3DM has combined advanced mobile laser scanning and 360° image capture resulting in a precise, efficient, and immersive data capture process. 3DM can capture all public & mechanical spaces on a cruise ship in under a week. This data is accessible any time for the life of the vessel and can be used in hundreds of applications and for an unlimited number of projects. Learn more about possible applications here.
3DM uses industry-leading point cloud registration, data validation, and conversion software to render, convert, maintain, secure, and store your vessel’s digital models. And as your vessel changes, so will your digital models. 3DM manages, validated, and integrates updated scan data as changes occur onboard, so your digital as-built will always be as built.
3DM uses best in class solutions for terrestrial, mobile, drone, or submersible scanning. We capture and produce the best point cloud possible within an efficient timeframe, based on your scan's purpose. Our advanced fast capture mobile scanners can capture up to 600,000 points per second with panoramic HDR imagery at a relative accuracy of between 8mm and 15mm.